
商品詳細介紹Product Introduction


Food Grade Silicone Oil


Colorless transparent liquid, has a very excellent thermal stability, cold resistance, water resistance. In line with the US Food and Drug Administration FDA21.CFR 178.3570 regulations and the US National Health Foundation NSF H1 certified food grade equipment lubricants, widely used in food packaging containers and cosmetics industry.


Type 100 350 500 1000

商品注意事項Product Notes

▲ 使用產品時請依照建議比例及使用說明書之方法操作。
▲ 金屬研削油是現有產品的典型性能,如遇特殊材料,可洽業務人員諮詢。
▲ 所有金屬研削油均通過SGS RoHS認證。
▲ 使用金屬研削油請依照SDS物質安全資料表指示做適當防護。